Please note: Red text indicates that the RTC will provide handouts that you may keep. All other handouts (not in red) will be available during the training; but if you want a copy to keep, you must print them from the handouts list below.

1 CW Mod II PPT- revised 2-1-15 (2).pdf
3 Mod II New Competencies (1).pdf
4 Engagement Practice Profiles (1).pdf
5 Forrester Family Viewing Guide.pdf
6 Interviewing Methods Chart 2-1-15.pdf
7 Caseworker Workbook - Field Tools .pdf
8 Parent Thoughts Viewing Guide.pdf
9 What do you mean by that.pdf
10 Positive Aproach to Resistance revised (1).pdf
11 Diversity Dimensions of Engagement.pdf
— Sean on 01/17/2019
Very Helpful